The Pressure to be Perfect: Overcoming Mental Blocks in Sports

Explore the mental challenges faced by athletes in this insightful clip from the Pull Hook Golf Podcast. Host Matt Cook engages in a profound discussion with his mental performance coach, Brandon Epstein, shedding light on common mental blocks in sports. 🎙️ Clip Highlights: Delving into the pressure athletes feel to achieve perfection in their performance. A specific example from a D1 football quarterback's experience. The impact of mental blocks on focus, energy, and overall performance. 🔗 Related Content: Check out the full episode for an in-depth exploration of mental performance in sports. Visit the Pull Hook Golf Podcast for more episodes from the Team Series. 👥 About Us: Host: Matt Cook Guest: Brandon Epstein, Mental Performance Coach Pull Hook Golf Podcast: Uncovering the mental side of the game. 📖 Description Tags: #MentalBlocks #AthleteMindset #PerformancePressure #GolfPodcast #PullHookGolf #SportsPsychology #MentalPerformance #BrandonEpstein If you're an athlete, coach, or anyone interested in understanding the mental aspect of sports, this clip is a must-watch. Subscribe for more content on mastering the mental game, and drop a comment to share your thoughts or experiences with mental blocks in sports!

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